Driving meaningful change through design, creativity and strategy.

I work with organisations to create the next generations of services and products, solve complex systemic problems and orchestrate human-centred transformations from the inside out.

Challenge how things get done

Great experiences aren’t made in siloes. Innovation doesn’t happen by following checklists or frameworks. Following the path of “what we’ve always done” isn’t going to bring us to the future we need.

That’s why any service and products today need to consider how people, tools and operations come together to orchestrate the seamless experience your end-users need.

Over the last 13 years, I’ve been working with organisations of all sizes to identify opportunities, make sense of chaos, navigate the unknown and craft new experiences, whether in the digital realm or not. 

I am here to augment your team, challenge how experiences are created and give the extra push to get to the next level.

Not your typical product & service designer*

A passionate designer who never belonged to a clear 'design' box, with a commitment to craftsmanship and holistic perspective alike.

I've got my roots across multiple disciplines that have helped me foster a flexible design practice. From urbanism to software engineering, from workshop facilitation to crafting design components, I adopt and adapt practices from one field to another. This allows me to shape more innovative approaches and solutions tailored to your specific context, team, industry and challenges.

I believe in fostering design as an attitude to catalyse change, prioritizing adaptability over rigid frameworks

*These days, “service designer” is the moniker I most commonly use but I've also been called
a UX unicorn, UX designer, information architect, futurist, creative technologist, design generalist,..

Want to explore how we can work together?

Let's discuss your specific challenges and if I am the right person to help you. Drop me a message and start a conversation. No strings attached.

Tackling climate change or social causes?

I want to hear from you. I offer reduced rates and pro-bono support to organisations working on important causes.

Nice things people said about me

You couldn't do better than Marie. She brings big-picture systems thinking, relentless user focus, and a very impressive ability to keep pushing forward. “

– Agile Coach Director, Lego group

You have made such an amazing contribution to our team and the organisation since you've been here. Your perfect combination of HCD skills and technical knowledge has helped to transform the area you are working in. You know we would keep you forever if we could.“

– Head of Service Design, EE

Marie is better at UX than almost any SW engineer I know is at their respective jobs. I've worked with her on many projects, and she's always impressed me with her skills, attitude and work ethic. I honestly can not recommend her enough. 10/10 instant hire”

– VP Engineering, Formidable London

An absolute pleasure to work with. You always own it and I love that about you. You champion the customer and challenge the status quo when it's not doing best by the customer. More than this, you're a great person. Caring, fun, hardworking, understanding, I could go on.“

– Product Lead, EE